Velvety Cauliflower Soup with Turmeric, Sunflower Seeds, and Truffle Oil

This summer was not kind to my waist line. Or to my hip line, ass line, and stomach line, for that matter. Packing and moving meant pizza and beer on many more nights than I'd care to admit. And if unpacking one spice bottle from twenty sheets of packing paper burned a lot of calories, … Continue reading Velvety Cauliflower Soup with Turmeric, Sunflower Seeds, and Truffle Oil

Fried Egg, Sriracha, Cream Cheese, and Spinach on Ciabatta

Two of my Facebook friends (and actual real life friends!) were virtually bantering back and forth about a sandwich a few months ago. I am uncertain if they made it up or got the idea from someone else, but as soon as I saw their pictures I knew I had to try it. (Who says … Continue reading Fried Egg, Sriracha, Cream Cheese, and Spinach on Ciabatta

Trader Joe’s Inspired Dark Chocolate Bark with Roasted Coconut Chips

The opening of Trader Joe's in our town has, of course, been somewhat revolutionary. I would count it among few others that have had such grand opening hype (top was Chick-Fil-A which had a camp out before their first day of chicken sales and future political statements). I'm so getting a new troll over that … Continue reading Trader Joe’s Inspired Dark Chocolate Bark with Roasted Coconut Chips

Garbanzo “Meatballs” with Spaghetti Squash

I take the same route to drop my son off at preschool every morning.  Some days I consider going a different way just to make the synapses in my brain do something different (and no, I have no idea if that is what synapses actually do).  But I usually go the same way, making the … Continue reading Garbanzo “Meatballs” with Spaghetti Squash

Dark Chocolate and Pumpkin Seed “No Nuts Nutella”

Might I tear you away from Pinterest for a few moments so you can read this post? I know you are getting ready to french braid your hair (sideways) and need to go to the grocery store to buy ingredients for those bacon and cinnamon roll muffins and are in the middle of building that … Continue reading Dark Chocolate and Pumpkin Seed “No Nuts Nutella”

Butternut Squash and Apple Muffins with Pumpkin Seed Streusel

I have received one butternut squash and one dozen eggs every Tuesday for the last three weeks from my CSA.  Up until yesterday, I had exactly three butternut squashes on my counter and three dozen eggs in my refrigerator.  I always like to kid myself and say things like "When fall gets here and the … Continue reading Butternut Squash and Apple Muffins with Pumpkin Seed Streusel

Gluten-Free Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Sunbutter Mousse Frosting

I am having a hard time listening to my own voice lately.  The words are all the same ... "Eat over your plate, please. Do not get in the pool until your sunscreen is on.  Why did you just get in the pool without sunscreen? It's not too hot. It's summer.  Don't come back inside. … Continue reading Gluten-Free Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Sunbutter Mousse Frosting

Garlic Scape Pesto with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Garlic Scapes. Who knew they even existed? They are not the kind of thing you generally see on a grocery store shelf and people very rarely know what they are unless they garden or belong to a CSA. I will be completely honest that I had never seen them before joining our farm share -- … Continue reading Garlic Scape Pesto with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds