The Best of the Holidays

After an insane bender of cooking, shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, loading the dishwasher/unloading the dishwasher, cooking, and more cooking, I hope you are sitting on the couch with absolutely nothing to do for the next few days. Here's what I've been cooking -- all are very good recipes. Fritto Misto with Fennel and Lemons I … Continue reading The Best of the Holidays

platter of roasted vegetables

Cooking Ideas from Around the Web: Spring (?) Edition

We humans are incredibly fickle about the weather, aren't we? I include myself in this category (as a human) and will admit I am the first to complain about it being too cold, too hot, too cloudy, too humid, or too rainy. Basically, if I could have 70 degrees and brilliant sunshine every day, I … Continue reading Cooking Ideas from Around the Web: Spring (?) Edition